Presenting the cover for Strangely Funny III, envisioned by the talented Gary Piserchio. Follow this page for updates on the fourth book in the Strangely Funny series, featuring stories from Daniel Hale, David Bernard, Kevin Wetmore, and Elizabeth Barden.
Because one book wasn't big enough to contain the insanity! Seventeen MORE tales of supernatural hilarity from new authors and previous Strangely Funny favorites. Strangely Funny 2 1/2 is now available for preorder (domestic only) through our site. The cover art was done by Monstermatt Patterson, author/artist of Ha-Ha! Horror, mad podcast punster, and the 2014 Winner in Artvoice's "Best of Buffalo" Awards (Best Painter). The Stories:"Knewscast" By Kevin Quirt - Reporting the news before it happens can still leave one prey to the unexpected.
"The New Kid" By Tim McDaniel - What happens when the new kid in school is the Antichrist? "The Pillow" By Fred McGavran - The fountain of youth can also give you a magnetic personality. "Inheritance" By Kristina R. Mosley - Every family has its skeletons. "The Snout" By Matthew Pegg - Jon Darkness meets The Gnawer at the Threshold. "Alien Dust" By Chelsea Nolen - The latest alien abductee isn't getting probed. "Outsourcing" By Gary Piserchio & Frank Tagader - If you can code in your sleep, these guys still have you beat. "The Demon of City Hall" By Rosalind Barden - A troll doll is the first victim of demonic activity in an unimportant government office. "Sadie's Selkie" By C.A. Rowland - A selkie's kiss can be dangerous, given some allergies. "Getting A Head" By Joette Rozanski - Troll weddings have unusual party favors. "Folkesmuir" By John Grey - The village's first director of tourism gives his all to bring in visitors. "Hell's Working Girl" By Dan Foley - A succubus walks into a bar... "Unimpressed" By David Neilsen - Summoning eldritch creatures as party entertainment proves ill-advised. "Stephen, the Well-Adjusted Vampire" By Katrina Nicholson - How can a nice vampire find love, when all the girls prefer his bad-boy brother? "Beehives of the Dead" By Elizabeth Allen - A woman is buried with the wrong hairdo and takes exception. "The Other Half" By A. Steven Clark - A doctor has a sure-fire vaccine to prevent zombism. "Dead to Write" By Chantal Boudreau - The alternative to ghost writers. ![]() Why would bats need space helmets? Only cover artist Monstermatt Patterson knows... for now. Stay tuned for the reveal of an unannounced anthology, one that exists because there was just too much insanity for one book to contain! ![]() Nightmare Noir is now available at Amazon. In celebration of this, we are giving away another free copy of the book to the first person who posts what famous album cover the cover art of the book was inspired by. Here's an excerpt from the book to tease you: I hate reading modern detective stories that relate everything that happens to the movies. Rarely does this crap ever mimic the atrocities that some call cinematic experiences; more like celluloid extortion. Vampires don’t look like models or teen heartthrobs, Frankenstein’s creation, who isn’t called Frankenstein, is not a brainless oaf but more articulate than most Ivy League graduates, and zombies don’t eat brains, they feed on the souls of the newly dead to delay their own decay. But damn it, once in a while Hollywood gets it right; werewolves killed by silver, check. And that damned Book of the dead, yeah it’s real, too.
![]() We are disgustingly pleased to announce that Ha-Ha! Horror, the first single-author collection we published, won in the Humor category at the President's Awards banquet for the Florida Authors & Publishers Association. Did we know we had a winner? Yes, we did, because we were familiar with Monstermatt's work before the MAHLLC bat was even born. We knew he was talented, he was funny, and he would work like a demon to get things right. All we needed to do was present his art and (admittedly godawful) jokes in the best format possible. We are so very, very proud of you, Matt. Thanks for publishing with us. Today, we're proudly showing off the front covers for History and Mystery, Oh My! and History and Horror, Oh My! We hope it gives you authors some inspiration and incentive for stories to submit! See our submissions page to learn themes and deadlines for each anthology.
Something else that we hope our authors will find pleasing: we cut the first two tiers of royalty rates, and will now pay 35% royalties for the first thousand books sold. This is an increase in payouts to authors, so we hope it will be a welcome change. The authors for stories in our anthologies will still be paid pro rata, but the slice will be bigger. This change will start with Strangely Funny II and continue with History and Mystery, Oh My! and History and Horror, Oh My!. Keep sending those stories in - we love 'em. This should get some keyboards out there tapping... the anthology is open for submissions till May 1st.
![]() We hope our American readers had a happy Fangs-giving! And in that vein of humor, we introduce you to Monstermatt Patterson. Monstermatt narrates 'The Monster Minute' on the 6 Foot Plus podcast, which is either the best or worst minute of the show. He's an artist, a painter, and the wizard of bad monster jokes. His catalogic command of horror film knowledge is only equaled by his terrifying talent for creating and illustrating bad puns. We at MAHLLC are proud to have him as our first book-length author. If you love monsters, puns, or bad jokes, we urge you to consider Ha-Ha! Horror, written and illustrated by Monstermatt and available at Amazon. Learn more about the man himself now: Q. I must ask: what started you down this dark, twisted road? I used to watch late night horror films with our aunt, my mom and my sisters, while my father's band was playing gigs. The first one I can actually recall, is Horror of Dracula. I had always wanted to create something in the genre, but never really had the chance until rotator cuff surgery. Longgg story! Until then, it was enjoying the work of others. I devoured horror films, comics, magazines, records, etc. Since then, I've had the opportunity to be involved horror films, both on camera or behind. Among other things. Q. Tell us more about 6 Foot Plus and the Monster Minute. 6 Foot Plus recruited me to do my shtick, and it's been the most pleasant experience! I try to write at least 5 jokes per show, give or take. Strange Jason, the host, gave me free reign to utilize the platform and format as I saw fit. Sometimes, I do 3 or 4 different voice characters in an episode. Q. Which monster is your favorite? Frankenstein. Specifically, Boris Karloff, in Son of Frankenstein. No matter what the camera angle or scene, he's physically filled out, and looks truly powerful. Not that his previous stints as the monster were bad or anything. It's a great trilogy! Q. Can you tell us a little about your creative process? Do you lock yourself in an attic with a paintbrush and a razor? Read entrails? Ugh, now that's twisted! Actually, when I return to the crypt from my day job, I find the need to create late at night. It's been that way for 3 years, now. I paint, sculpt, draw, write, while listening to classical music, orchestral movie scores, and jazz, like Ella Fitzgerald -with Louis Armstrong, etc. Q. What do you do when you're not creating horrible puns? Actually, no matter what I'm doing in the course of the day, I always have pieces of jokes swirling in my head. There's something cooking, 24/7! Q. What would you like to learn to do that you haven’t? Too many things to list! I'll get to most of them. Next week, I hope to learn putting the lid back on the mustard jar. It's gonna be tough! Q. If you had to choose, who would you consider a mentor and how is that reflected in your work? Too tough! I plead the fifth...of Jack Daniels! I mean, I don't know that I can narrow that down. Humor: Mad Magazine had such an influence on me, since forever! Cracked Magazine, monster specials. Benny Hill, and other television comedians, too. That's just a small sample. But, to explain, there's just something about the science and mechanics of comedy, that speak to me. I totally get, the need for timing, banter, establishing a rhythm, everything. I've been corny and sarcastic forever, so I'm doing what should come naturally. Horror: Jack Pierce, Don Post, Lon Chaney Sr., Frank Frazetta, Basil Gogos and more. There's something truly fulfilling to bring something to life, from a piece of clay or empty canvas. ![]() A man who loves Ella Fitzgerald, Mad Magazine, and Benny Hill? Swoon! Check out Ha-Ha! Horror at Amazon. The preview function for the ebook will give you a sample of Monstermatt's artwork and his groan-inducing jokes. By the way, the jokes are all clean, so this book is suitable for gift-giving to any horror film aficionado. I've also been told it makes an excellent book to keep in the bathroom... at least until you read the Street Trash chapter. Enjoy the rest of your horror-days! |
Mystery and Horror, LLC, is an indie press interested in what the name suggests. Contact us at: [email protected]
October 2023