MAHLLC will open to novel and story collection submissions on May 1st. So, let me tell you a little bit about what we’re looking for. First, while we are always open to a story collection that grabs our imagination, we've already heard from two authors interested in submitting theirs to us this year. We'd like to see some novels, too. Please note that an overarching storyline with a group of tales counts as a collection in our eyes. We love them, but would like to mix it up a little. So, what are we looking for in a novel? Your story should fit into the horror or mystery genre and should run from 40,000 to 75,000 words. The lower end of this technically counts as a novella, but if it’s a good story we’ll consider it. We require that your story be interesting and that it be well-written. Grammar and spelling are important, but the author should also be able to string sentences together into a coherent story. If we trip over a bunch of awkward phrasing, we will reject it. If we can't tell which character is speaking, or the viewpoint changes from one character to another in the same paragraph, it won't get very far. If you get your history wrong, and it's important to the plot, we will reject it. Many authors want to write about the Salem Witch Trials, but you would be surprised at how many of them think the witches were burned (Europe) instead of hanged (Salem). Next: In your query, we would appreciate a notion of your intended audience and ways you intend to promote the book. We purchase (affordable) ads and promote via social media, but there's a lot more to book promotion than that. Our most successful authors have their own Internet presence, work with other authors to cross-promote, sell their work at conventions, or have some contacts with their local media. Finally: Terrible things happen in mystery and horror, but if you use hate speech (anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-women, etc.) in your story, we'd better be able to tell that it is a character with a problem and not you, the author. Also: no ‘on-screen’ depictions of rape (adult or child). Implication is one thing, depiction is another. If this doesn't scare you off, or you regularly send out your (mystery or horror) trunk novel despite the odds, send it to us.
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Mystery and Horror, LLC, is an indie press interested in what the name suggests. Contact us at: [email protected]
October 2023