MAHLLC will open to novel and story collection submissions on May 1st. So, let me tell you a little bit about what we’re looking for. First, while we are always open to a story collection that grabs our imagination, we've already heard from two authors interested in submitting theirs to us this year. We'd like to see some novels, too. Please note that an overarching storyline with a group of tales counts as a collection in our eyes. We love them, but would like to mix it up a little. So, what are we looking for in a novel? Your story should fit into the horror or mystery genre and should run from 40,000 to 75,000 words. The lower end of this technically counts as a novella, but if it’s a good story we’ll consider it. We require that your story be interesting and that it be well-written. Grammar and spelling are important, but the author should also be able to string sentences together into a coherent story. If we trip over a bunch of awkward phrasing, we will reject it. If we can't tell which character is speaking, or the viewpoint changes from one character to another in the same paragraph, it won't get very far. If you get your history wrong, and it's important to the plot, we will reject it. Many authors want to write about the Salem Witch Trials, but you would be surprised at how many of them think the witches were burned (Europe) instead of hanged (Salem). Next: In your query, we would appreciate a notion of your intended audience and ways you intend to promote the book. We purchase (affordable) ads and promote via social media, but there's a lot more to book promotion than that. Our most successful authors have their own Internet presence, work with other authors to cross-promote, sell their work at conventions, or have some contacts with their local media. Finally: Terrible things happen in mystery and horror, but if you use hate speech (anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-women, etc.) in your story, we'd better be able to tell that it is a character with a problem and not you, the author. Also: no ‘on-screen’ depictions of rape (adult or child). Implication is one thing, depiction is another. If this doesn't scare you off, or you regularly send out your (mystery or horror) trunk novel despite the odds, send it to us.
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Traditionally, we have opened for Strangely Funny submissions during the month of October, with the goal of publishing in April. Unfortunately, it's rarely worked out that way. Okay, maybe it worked out the first year, but not since then. We get your great stories, we begin to process them, then NaNoWriMo hits, followed by the holidays. All of our open time starts disappearing, and I’d like to claim that we also spend the holidays inebriated, but it would be a lie… unless SSRIs count.
Our responses fall behind, fewer and fewer emails going forth, until our beloved authors are writing us, wanting to know if we received their stories in this first place. Yes, we did, and it’s our fault we’re behind. So, this year, we’re opening for subs in August, two months early. Please read the description on the Submissions page for details on how and where to submit your stories. Once submitted, please give us till at least October before asking us if we received your story, especially if you are part of the rush at the end of the submission period. After that, post away! The stories have been chosen, and the contracts have been sent out. I’ve replied to all submissions, but email can go awry. If you’re unsure of your story’s status, drop us a line at [email protected] .
![]() We're heading into the last week for Strangely Funny submissions. October 31st is the final day you can send a story for consideration for our annual collection of funny paranormal stories. Send submissions to [email protected] with “Strangely Funny” in the subject line. I am trying to reply to subs as they arrive. If you sent us a story on October 19th or earlier, you should have a reply acknowledging the submission. If not, drop me a line. I bet some of you (okay, a few of you) were wondering about this. Sorry we didn't post earlier; we've been up to our neck in alligators (mostly figurative) this summer.
We need submissions for our annual collection of funny paranormal stories. Story must be funny (if it ends sadly with no hilarity, it's not for this anthology) and have supernatural/paranormal elements. Previous published stories include a murder in a halfway house for the undead, a Shriner who becomes a weregoat, and a therapist who wants the monster in the closet to come out. Story length should be 2000-6000 words. If you sub something longer than that, it'd better be really funny. Our submission window is October 1st-November 30th, 2016. Please do not sub sooner because there's a 90% chance it won't get read till October anyway and could get buried under other emails. Publication of SF4 should be in spring 2017 (note the use of 'should' here). For info on guidelines and payment, please go to our Guidelines and Payment page. Please look at the guidelines if this is your first time submitting to us. It makes our lives easier. ![]() Long time no see! We haven't posted in a while, but it's not because we weren't hard at work. We displayed our wares at the Wiregrass Barnes & Noble Local Author Event in May, and in June we helped present a Sisters in Crime event in Sarasota. We also have an intern this summer, Darby, who is assisting us with with publications coming out later this year. Her help is especially welcome now, since Gwen and I are finishing up our first novel together. Expect more details and a cover reveal in the months to come. I know, I know - screw that; when are we opening for submissions again? Well, we will be open for novel subs in October, but we're still discussing how many anthologies to publish this year. There's a lot on our plates. We'll keep you posted. By now, you may be wondering what we're up to at MAHLLC. No posts in a month? What are you crazy people doing? ...but mostly, we've been working on the three anthologies that are due out by the end of the year. Yes, three anthologies. We have been working on History and Horror, Oh My! and History and Mystery, Oh My! plus an additional anthology we've been hiding under our flipped lids. The cover for the third book is in the works, but we'll be doing a reveal when the stars are right.
Looking forward to next year: we have several single-author books planned, including the sequel to Ha-Ha! Horror. Right now, we are only planning two anthologies for 2015. Information on these will be released as we solidify our schedule. Sleep tight, and don't let the Daleks bite! One of our submitting authors alerted us that Duotrope has listed our market as 'permanently closed to submissions'. Um... no. Well, we are closed to new submissions, but only for novel submissions and our 2014 anthologies. Heck, we JUST closed for our last two anthologies.
Later in the year, we will begin posting calls for our first 2015 anthologies. If you have suggestions for themes, we're happy to receive input. Batty kisses, MAHLLC. We are pleased to announce that we have drawn the winners for the free copies of Ha-Ha! Horror. One will be sent to Germany, the other to Florida. Oddly enough, the Florida fan was drawn by Monstermatt. Go figure...
Both winners have been notified and Monstermatt has their addresses. Congratulations! In other news: since we became listed at Duotrope, we've received a number of novel submissions. This is great, but we're also plowing through subs for three different open anthologies at the moment. So.... we will close for novel subs on April 30th, Walpurgisnacht. We want the time to give our current novel subs a decent lookover. IF WE ASKED YOU TO SEND US A FULL, we still want it. If you've subbed but haven't heard back yet, you are in the queue. Doesn't that sound British of us? DON'T STOP SENDING US SHORT STORIES. We especially need more subs for History and Horror, Oh My! and History and Mystery, Oh My! We only opened for those last month. Got it? Thanks! |
Mystery and Horror, LLC, is an indie press interested in what the name suggests. Contact us at: [email protected]
October 2023