Once again, we have several contestants in this annual poll. This year, however, two of our books are competing in the same category: Anthologies. Strangely Funny VII, the latest in our funny horror series, is vying against Mystery with a Splash of Bourbon, a collection of mystery stories and articles celebrating Kentucky's signature liquor.
We also have books competing in other categories. Please support them! We also have authors competing against authors in the Short Story category, and you might find familiar names cropping up elsewhere as nominations are still being made. Thank you for any support!
Please come support our books in the 2018 Critter Readers' Poll! Sparky of Bunker Hill and the Cold Kid Case: Young Adult Books Mystery Novel Strangely Funny V: Anthology Category Short Story - Horror (by story) We love it when our authors win. They get a handy-dandy graphic for their site, and we get bragging rights. So drop by and support them!
The last couple of weeks have brought us news of awards. We received news that Murder on the Mullet Express is a medal winner for a Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Book Award in the Historical Fiction category! Finalists in the competition do get a medal, and it's a matter of whether we win bronze, silver, or gold. Gwen and I would love to take gold, of course, but we wouldn't be the first gold medal winners in the press. That would be Monstermatt Patterson, who won for Ha-Ha! Horror! in 2014.
The MAHLLC web site also won its own awards recently from Feedspot.com in, naturally, the Mystery and Horror categories. Feedspot collects blogs by categories to help people find their favorite sites and discover new ones. We're happy to be included.
We are pleased to report that two (count 'em - two!) of the five finalists for the Agatha Awards' category of Best Short Story came from History & Mystery, Oh My!
Many, many congratulations to the excellent authors, Edith Maxwell and Harriette Sackler. We were flattered that they sent their stories to us, and of course we're tickled pink about the nominations. The Agatha Awards are awarded at Malice Domestic, an annual fan convention that honors the "traditional mystery" as exemplified by the works of Agatha Christie. The first convention was held in 1989. Attendees make the nominations and choose the winners. We wish good luck to both women! The results of the annual Preditors and Editors poll are in, and our authors made a strong showing!
Tales of The Bastard Drunk, by D.M. Woon, is competing in the 2015 Preditors & Editors™ Readers' Poll for best horror novel. Naturally, we'd like to see him win. If you're interested, go to: http://critters.org/predpoll/novelh.shtml And hey, there are swell entries in other categories. Look around when you get there. The Readers' Poll will be open through January 14th. We have entered our books so they will be candidates for consideration, but anyone can nominate their work or that of another (as long as it was published in 2015). There are several categories for short stories, too. To vote, go to: http://critters.org/predpoll/
We are disgustingly pleased to announce that Ha-Ha! Horror, the first single-author collection we published, won in the Humor category at the President's Awards banquet for the Florida Authors & Publishers Association. Did we know we had a winner? Yes, we did, because we were familiar with Monstermatt's work before the MAHLLC bat was even born. We knew he was talented, he was funny, and he would work like a demon to get things right. All we needed to do was present his art and (admittedly godawful) jokes in the best format possible. We are so very, very proud of you, Matt. Thanks for publishing with us. |
Mystery and Horror, LLC, is an indie press interested in what the name suggests. Contact us at: [email protected]
October 2023